DRAGONFLY Trimarans User Forum

                    International Dragonfly Trimarans User Forum


DF800  Equipment!

These are archived postings from the first Dragonfly User Forum from 2001-2006. Lots of useful information to be found here!

Here you will find all the information about the Dragonfly 800‘s Equipment.

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Anchor | Autopilot | Winches

Re: Marine toilet and holding tank?
[from: Keld Krogh Nielsen, Denmark, 6 Jan 2006]
Hi Johan, I have a DF 800 and it is no problem to mount a toilet under the seat of one of the bunks. I dont have this in mine, but the my previus DF 800 had one. Holding tank would be difficult to mount anywhere. I might be interested in selling my DF 800, if I can find the right 920 Extreme.

Marine toilet and holding tank?
[from: Johan Fredin, Sweden, 5 Jan 2006]


Still a mono hull sailor, but we are very interested in the varios Dragonfly Trimarans. One idea is to buy a 800 and see if we like sailing trimaran, and if that’s the case the great 920 will be hunted…

But a question about Marine toilets and holding tank, is there anyone that has that kind of solution? (in a DF800)? Or is it impossible due to space?

Thanks in advance! Perhaps new trimaransailor: Johan F (Mani-32 SWE 218)

Depth Sounder
[from: Michael Hucke, Germany, 11 Jan 2005]

In response to Paul Erb’s question (DF800 General 22 Dec 2004):

With the attached photo you will see the original point where the sounder is attached on my df800 by shipyard. I would recommend to install it more to the bottom because this position shows nonsense in shallow water.
From the inside this position is just below the battery. There is a big porthole with easy access

Click on the image to see it enlarged

Re: Hatch maker NC BJERG
[from: John Leadbetter, Denmark, 30 Mar 2004]
This company bought NC Bjerg: http://www.ertec.dk, maybe they can help.

Hatch maker NC BJERG – should be found in Denmark !
[from: Bernt Biberg, Norway, 30 Mar 2004]
I could need a pair of new handles too on my Trident (Black knob with a mix (no wonder they break down) of aluminium and stainless steel in the mechanism). Anyone in Denmark who knows about this?

Does anybody know the hatch maker NJ Berg ?
[from: Al Wood, United Kingdom, 27 Feb 2004]
Does anyone know if the hatch maker NJ Berg (I think that’s right) is still operating? I want to replace the handles on the foredeck hatch of my DF25 and can’t find a contact for them. Thanks

Re: How do you install a depth sounder in DF25?
[from: Darryl Brathwaite, Caribbean, 20 Dec 2003]

There is a storage compartment under the cockpit floor of the DF25. You can access the hull by raising the hatch-cover. The in-hull installation is better than thru-hull, but for accurate readings the connection to the hull skin must be solid (no air gap).

Cut a hole thru the inner hull-skin with a hole saw. Mount the transponder inside the boat by carefully digging out the core material and cleaning up the outside skin. Epoxy the transducer to the outside skin being carefull to not trap any bubbles. Fill the space between the transponder body and the inner skin with 3M 5200.

How do you install a depth sounder in DF25?
[from: Mel van Harten, Canada, 14 Dec 2003]
Does anyone have experience with depth sounder installation in the Dragonfly 25?
I want to install a depth sounder in mine and I think that in-hull installation would be best for a trailerable boat.
What location works best?
Does anyone have an opinion on through-hull vs. in-hull installation for this type of boat?
What is the recommended precedure for in-hull installation?


Re: Which autopilot/genacker for DF800 ?
[from: Bo Wetzel, UK, 20 Aug 2006]
I can only speak from experience with the DF920 where I found the Autohelm 1000 to slow for tacking in very strong winds. I would think, the same applies to the DF800. The Autohelm 2000 is faster and should enable automatic tacking in strong winds without problems. With the now added benefit of the remote control it is possible to activate the auto-tacking function of the autopilot while waiting with the jib sheets in hand for the correct moment of tacking the jib. I could do it quick enough (even without the benefit of the remote control), even in strong winds, without needing the winch for sheeting it in tight. Just a question of good timing and speed and correct prepartion.

Which autopilot/genacker for DF800 ?
[from: Eric Baizeau, France, 20 Aug 2006]


what auto pilot for a DF800R: autohelm 1000+ or 2000+ ?

what size for a gennaker ?

thanks a lot. éric

How to install an Autopilot
[from: Darryl Brathwaite, Caribbean, 8 Aug 2003]

Both mounting positions work ok. I have used both.

1. Transom scoop stays dry enough.
2. Cockpit coaming location. Tiller responsive enough.

Problems with Installing an autopilot
[from: Frans Loots, South Africa, 7 Oct 2002]

I would like to install an autopilot on my Dragonfly 800 but have encountered some problems.

The supplier, Simrad (TP10 Tillerpilot) requires the unit to be installed 460mm forward of the rudder stock and at that point you also need 595mm of beam between the tiller and the gunwale to mount the unit.

On the D800 that means mounting the unit in the transom scoop and also having to make a bracket that will in fact take the unit outside the protection of the boat.

My concerns are the exposure of the unit to the water flying by and also the fact that the instalation will look untidy and difficult to reach.

What are the alternatives?

I thought about mounting it on the aft cockpit coming, but that would probably make tacking with the autopilot impossible and might make coarse corrections slow.

Can anybody please help?

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Re: Bow Anchor Fitting for DF800
[from: John Blaiklock, United Kingdom, 5 Apr 2004]
On a light boat, especially one without a keel, the bow is not the best place to have unnecessary weight that could be positioned elsewhere. 12kg, and maybe the same weight again in chain and warp, may make pitching worse if positioned at the bow. Perhaps this is why the standard manufacturer’s position for storing the anchor is on the forward ama for some of the Dragonflies.

Bow Anchor Fitting for DF800?
[from: Michael Hucke, Germany, 4 Apr 2004]
Does anyone have experiences using a fixed anchor-fitting at te bow of a DF800? I once have seen a picture of a df800 which had one installed. My idea is to use an anchor-fitting for a 8-12 kg anchor. – Any suggestions? Anything that holds against that idea? – Thanks for any input.
[Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit der Montage einer Bug-Ankerrolle auf einer DF800? Habe irgendwo mal ein Foto von einer DF800 gesehen, wo so was dran war. Ich überlege, einen 8-12 KG schweren Anker dort über einer Rolle zu fixieren. – Hat jemand Tipps, spricht was dagegen? – Danke für jede Info.]

Information on heavy weather sailing gear?
[from: Allen Daun, USA, 25 July 2002]
We have a Dragonfly 800 and have been sailing it on a lake in the Mississippi River for four seasons. We trailer the boat
to Lake Superior for a week each summer. We have hit 24 1/2 knots with 5 adults on the boat in a reach.

I need information on heavy weather sailing gear. Has any one put in a 3rd reefing point on the main?
Has any one used a Gale Sail or other storm jib? Any experience with drouges or sea anchors?
We have been pushed bare poled downwind in one storm on Lake Superior at 16 knots. I want to know how to slow this boat down and keep her under control before we take her to Florida, the Bahamas and beyond.

We live in Wisconsin any one near LaCrosse who also owns a 800? We love our Dragonfly!

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