There was a newsletter in June, but IMO was nothing but advertising with no news, so it was not posted. Here is the latest:
The yard is as busy as ever before. Since we returned from the summer holidays we have sold at least two boats every week. In these times this is a very fortunate situation and we are sure extremely happy about it. The DF 32 have for sure stepped up its pace since DF 32 number 15 has just been sold, and we have only a few left to delivery for the summer 2014. We wonder whether we partly can thank Larry Ellison and this years America’s Cup setup for all this attention. We think that this year sailing fans all over the world have experienced what we have known for years – the fun, speed and excitement that comes from sailing a multihull.
Furthermore the DF 28 have anniversary. DF 28 number 100 has just been sold. It is amazing to know that in near future we have 100 DF 28 sailing around water around the world. Our hope, when we introduced the DF 28 in 2009, was that it would introduce even more sailors to the fascinating world of multihulls. With a 100 boats sold within less than five years, we consider this mission this as succeeded. Actually hull no 105 is now sold as well.
The late summer boat show season is still fully active, and we thank all of those, who so far have come to see us at the Orust – Amsterdam – Oslo – Southampton – Stockholm-Friedrichshafen – La Rochelle and Genova boat shows. At these boat shows we have had a lot of positive activities resulting in sold boats. We are also happy to inform you that later in October you can see us at the Hamburg Boat show, where it is 12 years ago Dragonfly was last presented. WE surely hope that a lot of Dragonfly enthusiasts will drop by and come see us.
Remember to always keep an eye on our webpage . Here we will keep you updated with the latest news and info from the Dragonfly team.
A Dragonfly going North
Dragonfly 32 hull no. 1 has now after the Oslo Boatshow reached its new home, after sailing 1100 NM to its new home at the Lofoten up in Northern Norway. This for sure is the most Northern based Dragonfly and now we can almost say that we have a Dragonfly in each continent.
Two DF 28 charter in 2014
Our concept with chartering is still a huge success. Actually we have more people wanting to charter the DF 28 than we actually have capacity for. Therefore we have decided that next year we will have two DF 28 charter boats. If you are interested please contact us at for further information about dates available.
New charter concept in Germany
New charter concept out of Strahlsund on the German island of Rügen. This DF 28 will be avalible for charter guests, who has already chartered or owned a Dragonfly trimaran. This means that there will be no sail training attached to the chartering. Please contact us for more information regarding this new concept.
A Dragonfly going North
Dragonfly 32 hull no. 1 has now after the Oslo Boatshow reached its new home, after sailing 1100 NM to its new home at the Lofoten up in Northern Norway. This for sure is the most Northern based Dragonfly and now we can almost say that we have a Dragonfly in each continent.
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Quorning Newsletter October
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