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Pan2000 heater

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 09, 15:48
by Christian

Thinking of installing a heater in my DF800 SW. Found this heater:

Looks like a nice design and minimum of impact on boat.

Has anybody used it?

Thinking of make a plank with the chimney that will fit next to the cabin hatch. Hang in the same rails. It will not block the entrance so much. "Smoke" and heat will end up inside the tent - but that is the way when cooking.

And by the way - I got the regular one stove, alcohol kitchen - using some fancy "Tenol" stuff that don't leave any soot.

Any ideas or experience?

/ Christian

Posted: Tue 24 Jan 12, 16:24
by Phoenix
Hi Cristian,

so did you finally install the pan heater? Would be nice to receive a feedback.


Got it

Posted: Wed 25 Jan 12, 10:13
by Christian
Hi Ortwin

Yes, got a Pan 2000 heater. Made a simple temporary install.

For you that don't know the heater - it is heat exchanger with a fan placed on top of the stove - with a chimny leading out the the the "smoke".
I made a simple plank that can be inserted in the hatchway down to the cabin. That plank has a hole for the chimny – so in that way smoke etc. goes out of the cabin. (into the tent…) So all parts are stow away when not used.

Takes a few minutes to mount the heater and the chimny – but it heats the cabin quite fast.

The only problem is to turn it on in the morning – the stove is so far away from the bunk where I sleep in my DF800

/ Christian