1200 modification to bow roller and running lights

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Double Horizon
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1200 modification to bow roller and running lights

Post by Double Horizon »

The prior owner made a modification to the bow roller that greatly reduces the chafe of the anchor line. The modification involves welding two stainless rods vertically to the existing bracket, so when the boat veers and swings at-anchor the rods keep the line from rubbing any sharp edges. (We normally move the rode to a bow cleat so the windlass doesn't carry a sustained load while the boat is anchored).

Another modification (I made) was to replace the single combination bow light with separate port and starboard LED lights so that the bowsprit no longer blocks the bow light, even when the sprit is raised.
The lights are mounted to a 3-sided aluminum bracket (that is shaped like a square with one side missing). The bracket is about the same width as the bowsprit, and the LED running lights are mounted to the sides of the bracket so the visibility to the front is not blocked. I used Hella NaviLED lights rated 2nm (shown).

Larry - Former Owner DF-1200
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