DRAGONFLY Trimarans User Forum

                    International Dragonfly Trimarans User Forum



DF1000  Hull

These are archived postings from the first Dragonfly User Forum from 2001-2006. Lots of useful information to be found here!

Here you will find all the information about the Dragonfly 1000’s Hull.

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Antifouling | Cleaning

Re: How to replace DF1000 windscreen?
[from: Ted Paliwoda, USA, 21 Sep 2006]

First you have to remove the old one, do not cut it apart, you will need this as your template to cut the new one.

Clean all the old adhesive off the frame, lightly sand the frame, then clean with alcohol. Dry fit the new lexan panel.

If you are happy with the fit apply a lexan sealant / adhesive – I am sure you can find it in your better boat stores. Clean up, and your done. Took me about three hours a couple of years ago. It really helps to have a second pair of hands helping you.

To keep your windscreen looking good use a canvas covering over it when not in use, and never clean with anything other than a lexan / polycarbonate cleaner.

Best of luck. Ted

Re: How to replace DF1000 windscreen?
[from: Steve Bondelid, USA, 21 Sep 2006]

I unscrewed the windscreen from the hull and disassembled the frame. I used a flat blade to cut through the bedding compound which held the old screen. It was slow, but not particularly hard to do.

After removing the old windscreen I used it for a pattern to make the new one out of acrylic, cutting it out with a reciprocating hand saw and a fine blade.

I reassembled the new one in the frame using 3M5200 for bedding compound. Again, it was messy and slow, as I had to rebed parts of it where the compound had dripped out, but it turned out fine in the end.

Don’t be afraid to do it yourself, it’s not rocket science.

How to replace DF1000 windscreen?
[from: Mika Harju, Finland, 19 Sep 2006]
I would like to replace the windscreen of my DF1000. It is not anymore clear because of UV radiation.
Any tips how to do this?
Is the material acrylic?

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Antifouling Quantity
[from: Robin Geier 1000-29, Germany]
3.5 Liter. VC 17 Offshore Extra für 2 Anstriche mit der Rolle aufgetragen.
[One needs 3.5l of VC17 Offshore Extra for two coats applied with a roller.]
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Cleaning the bottom at low tide with a tide grid
[from: Stephen Bondelid, USA, 18 Apr 2004]

Here’s a picture of “Flexible Flyer”, our DF1000 on the tide grid I fashioned from our shipping cradle. I added a zinc for protection.
There was a tide grid of sorts when we bought the house. I cut them off for legs for the cradle, and using galvanized pipe and floor flanges I made the other two legs. It works great!

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